Revolutionary Joomla Template
Ionosphere, the March 2012 template release, is an incredibly versatile template that places the artist's palette in your hands, through our most comprehensive Color Chooser system to date. The color selection system is completely dynamic, with just a few color choices, the template calculates the appropriate tone; in conjunction with background pattern parameters.
- 12 Preset Styles
Choose one of the included preset styles by specifying it in the template manager
- 84 Module Positions
To get you started right, Ionosphere is utilized with plenty of available modules
- RokSprocket Integration
A revolutionary Joomla 2.5 extension to replace a variety of content modules
- RokExtensions Styling
There is compatibility styling for some major RocketTheme extensions in this template
Styles Variation
Multiple Preset Styles
Modules Layout
Versatile & Flexible Layout
Module Variations
Fashion & Style the Module
Menu Options
Integrated Powerful Menu System
Make the Content Sexier
Styled Extensions
RocketTheme Extensions Styled
RokSprocket Styled
Inclusive RokSprocket Integration
Style Panel
Frontend Configuration Panel
Joomla! Stuff
Styled for Regular Joomla! Stuffs
Gantry Framework Features
- 960 Grid System
CSS grid framework for constructing web content based on a width of 960 pixels
- Per-menu-item Configuration
Powerful feature in Gantry to control configuration on a per-menu-item basis
- iPhone / Android Compatible
iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android custom theme support
- Grid RTL Support
Built in RTL support which will automatically order the layout to support RTL.